Marriage Counseling

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Marriage is a lot harder than any of us expected. Therefore, every marriage has issues that call our attention. Frequently, as these recurring issues fray our bond with our partner, we may consider that we married the wrong person. Or, perhaps our feelings for our spouse are gone.

Regardless of where your marriage is at now, most relationships have a core pattern. This is actually a negative feedback loop that pushes spouses apart. So, this is a predictable way spouses may react to each other. This process leaves each spouse frustrated and feeling “stuck.” The root of this pattern may be a recurring fight or a repeated discussion. Likewise, the problem could be stemming from the ways in which either spouse avoids dealing with problems. However, all of these issues can be addressed with a compassionate couples therapist.

All of our therapists at Authentic Connections Counseling Center (commonly called AC3) work from a Christian therapeutic foundation. Therefore, all of us are able to bring the spiritual and faith aspect into marriage counseling if that is something you desire. However, we also work with many couples who do not want the Christian faith into the conversation. We will honor wherever you are at in your faith journey without judgment.

Marriage counseling helps couples

  • Increase intimacy and connection
  • Understand how to remain connected while disagreeing
  • Explore and gain insight into each other’s family of origin
  • Acknowledge the spoken and unspoken “rules of life” that each partner brings into a marriage
  • Rekindle emotional and physical connection
  • Feel supported through times of crisis or transition
  • Learn how to communicate about hard subjects like sex, conflict, parenting, etc.

Do any of these experiences sound familiar?

  • Working hard to make your partner happy, but it seems they are never satisfied
  • Feeling like whatever you do is never enough
  • It feels as if you’re walking on eggshells around your spouse
  • Trying to communicate with your partner, but they don’t really listen
  • Wanting your spouse to be more spontaneous and passionate
  • Assuming the relationship is solid, but your spouse disagrees
  • Receiving an apology from your partner without a change in action

Issues addressed in marriage counseling

Marriage counseling can help couples recognize the negative loop they are stuck in. A marriage counselor can help spouses work towards improving their connection with one another as well as help you navigate the unique challenges and difficulties in your marriage.


  • You rarely communicate
  • When you do talk to each other, it’s negative
  • Some topics are deemed off-limits
  • Having the “same old fight”
  • Secrecy
  • Inability to resolve differences

Trust & Intimacy

  • One or both partners withhold affection as punishment
  • Financial, physical, or emotional infidelity
  • Living a separate life from your spouse

Life Transitions

  • Becoming new parents
  • Having additional children
  • Blending families
  • Moving
  • Adjusting to being empty nesters
  • Starting the adoption or fostering process
  • Considering divorce

Ready to start marriage counseling?

Ask yourself these questions about your relationship

  • Would you like less conflict in your marriage?
  • Do you crave the intimacy you used to have?
  • Have you observed the same fights reoccurring?
  • Are you and your spouse have different levels of sexual desire?
  • Struggling to provide each other comfort and nurturing?
  • Feeling like you are simply roommates doing the logistics of life together?

What to expect from marriage counseling

At Authentic Connections Counseling Center, we understand that marital distress is a tender, confusing, and disparaging place to be.

Often, a marriage counselor can be a mediator. So, a mediator is an individual who can give an outside perspective. Having a third, unbiased person join tough conversations can help both spouses make sense of confusing emotions.

Our marriage counselors provide a safe and non-judgmental space for both partners. Therefore, during marriage counseling, you can both explore deep, hard struggles. Our desire is to listen well and fully understand both perspectives. We want to help you hear and understand your spouse.

Who are our couples counselors?

You can find information about all of our therapists on our About page!

Begin Marriage Counseling in Castle Rock, CO

Are you ready to take the first step toward bettering your relationship? We would be honored to guide you and your spouse toward feeling more connected and in-tune with each other. Our marriage counseling services are available in-person and online. You can access any of Castle Rock, CO-based therapy services from the comfort of your home via online therapy in Colorado. Follow the steps below to get started!

  1. Call us at (720) 370-3010 x100.
  2. Discuss appointments and scheduling with our Intake Coordinator.
  3. Begin marriage counseling and feeling more connected to your partner!

Other Services at Authentic Connections Counseling Center

Our counseling center in Castle Rock, CO has many options for mental health treatment. Whether you are experiencing anxiety, depression, or symptoms of PTSD, we want to help you heal. We have highly skilled therapists who specialize in not only marriage counseling but EMDR therapy and even prenatal counseling and postpartum support. And, we can provide any services in person, but we also offer online therapy services to anybody living in Colorado. Reach out and get started today!