Pre-Marital Counseling

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Premarital Counseling & Early Marriage Counseling

Are you a newlywed?

Did you just get engaged?

Are you and your partner looking to take your relationship to the next level?

When you’re considering marriage, deciding on your honeymoon or figuring out where you want to live are among the first things you start to plan. Anticipating your life together you’re caught up in the excitement of all that is to come!

But, what happens after the wedding day? The honeymoon? At some point the “honeymoon” stage of your marriage will end when reality hits- he handles finances so differently than me, her idea of a budget does not work for me, his family has weird expectations of us, her family does not understand boundaries, and the list goes on… So how do you avoid this fall out from happening?

Premarital counseling might be last on your list, if it’s there at all. While it’s not an engagement topic that’s very fun or romantic, premarital counseling can set your marriage up to succeed and survive long-term, in spite of the odds.

Premarital counseling can help you and your significant other improve your relationship by helping you develop better communication skills, learn conflict management, uncover your shared core values as well as identify differences that could create future conflict. Working with one of our therapists, you can discuss expectations with your partner that will help better prepare both of you for marriage.

Some of the areas we’ll cover are:

… and so much more! 

Premarital counseling is not a one-size-fit-all. Our therapists will work with you on the specific areas in your relationship that are an issue or could be based on your concerns and assessment. 

The intimate nature of marriage requires that you talk to your partner about everything, no matter how awkward or uncomfortable. Premarital counseling will help you both navigate these difficult conversations so they do not become or continue to be an issue. Through this you will each learn how to be a better listener, and how to make your voice and needs heard in a productive and positive manner.

In pre-marital counseling, we will likely bring up topics that you’ve discussed with your partner previously, as well as subjects you hadn’t considered before. This fresh perspective from an objective third party will uncover new details from your partner. This is also an excellent time for us to find unexpected areas where you disagree, and give you the tools to handle possible future conflict.

You might be reading this thinking this sounds great and exactly what we’re struggling with, but we’ve been married. If this is you, I want you to know that these topics and areas of tension are not just to be discussed before you’re married, but after as well! Those first few years hold so much transition, learning and growth.

Unfortunately, with that comes growing pains as you navigate these different areas of disagreement. Sometimes you get to a place where you realize we thought we could figure this out on our own, but we can’t. Or maybe it’s not knowing where to start because you’re feeling overwhelmed with the many topics you are fighting about. It’s never too late to get the counseling your relationship needs to become better and stronger than before.

If you’re considering if this is right for your relationship don’t hesitate to reach out! One of our therapists would love to discuss premarital counseling or early marriage counseling further with you.  It’s never too late to start preparing your marriage for success!

Here at our Castle Rock, CO-based practice we have therapists who specialize in premarital counseling. If you’re looking for early years marital counseling we would love to get connected with you!