Spiritual Direction

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What is a Spiritual Director?

Life is a journey … a pilgrimage of sorts with many transitions and valleys. A spiritual director is a fellow pilgrim offering guidance and discernment of God’s presence with us on that journey. He or she is there to provide encouragement, assisting the person back to the work of the Spirit in his or her life. A spiritual director is going to help facilitate a deeper dialogue between that person and God. The spiritual director may ask questions like, “Where is God in this? Where do you sense God’s activity in your life today? How is God present to you at this time?”

What Spiritual Direction is not:

  • It is not giving advice

  • It does not give answers as much as ask questions

  • It is not accountability but accompaniment

  • Not problem solving but compassionate listening

  • Not teaching but guiding

  • Not a place for managing sin, or talking theology, but rather cultivating an awareness of God’s activity within us.

  • Spiritual Directors are not mediators between God and man, but rather facilitators who help someone hear from God themselves.

What can I expect from Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Directors offer a safe place, without judgment, as he or she works alongside you as a spiritual companion. They desire to help you become more attuned to God’s presence in your life. There is no set agenda outside of a growing awareness of the Spirit of God in the day in and day out aspects of your life. The hope is to foster a deeper capacity of what it means to hear from God, to love as Jesus loves, and to listen to His calling. This will happen through conversation, meditating and listening as thoughts and hearts are focused on God’s presence.

Dawn Gabriel as Spiritual Director:  

I view a spiritual director as a fellow pilgrim who guides and discerns God's presence during life's journey, fostering a deeper connection between individuals and their spirituality. This guidance involves asking reflective questions, such as identifying God's activity in one's life. It is distinct from offering advice or answers, focusing instead on compassionate listening, guiding, and cultivating awareness of God's presence within.

Contrary to advice-giving or problem-solving, spiritual direction entails accompaniment, aiming to attune individuals to God's presence and their spiritual growth. Spiritual directors provide a non-judgmental space for dialogue and companionship, with the goal of enhancing the ability to hear from God and live in alignment with spiritual values. This process involves conversations, meditation, and attentive listening to foster a deeper understanding of God's calling and love in everyday life.

While I have a masters in counseling and many years of experience as a therapist, this will not be therapy.

I have been trained as a spiritual director through Sustainable Faith 2022 - 2024 and Dr. Larry Crabb's School of Spiritual Direction in 2020

If you are interested in spiritual direction with me, please email me at dawn@soulcarefortherapists.com