Bryana Murphy, MFTC

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Bryanna (Bry) Murphy, MFTC

Marriage and Family Therapist Candidate who works with: Kids, Teens, Adults, Couples

Areas of Expertise & Interest:

Hi I am Bry! I specialize in helping people who are dealing with the effects of a difficult childhood which may find you in a lot of pain and confusion with your current relationships. Maybe you have grown up with a narcissistic or borderline parent and now find yourself struggling with this lingering hurt and resentment that feels overwhelming? You feel like you’re never good enough, constantly aiming for perfection, or avoiding conflict at all costs.  Together we’ll explore how your past has shaped your present and we’ll develop strategies to meet your emotional needs in a healthy way.  I help people address issues like unmet emotional needs, people-pleasing, destructive communication patterns, and lack of healthy boundaries. 

Together, we will address these issues to help you feel more in control of your life. I will guide and support you in building your self-esteem, improving your conflict resolution skills, and finding healthier ways to communicate. We'll practice respectful and effective methods for dealing with conflict. My goal is to help you heal and create a more fulfilling future. Imagine feeling more in control, empowered, and authentic in your life – I’m here with you every step of the way.

As a marriage and family therapist, I have special training that helps me look at your whole situation, not just your individual problems. This means I consider your environment, family dynamics, and even bigger systems like culture and society. By doing this, I can better understand what you’re going through and find ways to help you.

My approach is all about treating you with kindness and understanding, while also being honest with you. I combine empathy and validation with gentle challenges to your beliefs. This helps you see things more clearly and make positive changes.

What dees Bry love about being a therapist?

I love the positive changes therapy can bring. As a therapist it’s a special experience to witness clients walking out the door lighter than when they came in. I love sitting with clients during lightbulb moments, as they’re discovering new things about themselves and/or their perspective. It’s a privilege to be the person holding hope for someone else until they’re ready to hold it their self. 

How does Bry see herself as a therapist?

In my role as a therapist, I perceive myself as curious and accepting. I believe that each client is the authority on their own life, and my role is to foster a safe space for them to express themselves and explore personal growth. My aim is to cultivate an atmosphere where clients feel at ease sharing every aspect of themselves, including the parts that may cause them discomfort or shame, knowing they can trust me completely.

What makes Bry unique as a therapist?

What makes me stand out as a therapist is that I'm really good at picking up on things and talking straight. I can see things from different angles all at once, especially when things get complicated. This helps me guide you through tough situations smoothly, giving you helpful advice and moving things forward in a meaningful way. I like to look at things from all sides, so I can help you find the best way forward and grow in every aspect.

Education and Professional Background 

 I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Psychology from Azusa Pacific University and a Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy from Regis University. These educational experiences have equipped me with a solid foundation in understanding human behavior and relationships, as well as specialized training in therapeutic techniques tailored to help individuals and families navigate challenges and achieve their goals. 

Hobbies & Fun Facts

I'm all about staying active and having a blast! You'll catch me spiking volleyball, swinging tennis rackets, teeing off in golf, trekking through hikes, and chilling under the stars while camping. Sports? Count me in for any! Now, let's talk about my crazy family dynamics – I've got a full squad of siblings ranging from full-blooded to step and adopted ones. Oh, and my schooling journey? Let's just say I've done it all – from fancy private schools to the bustling halls of public schools and even had a stint with homeschooling. 

What are clients saying?

Many couples have expressed satisfaction with our sessions, noting that they feel we are making good progress in a short amount of time. They appreciate my attentive listening and ability to ask insightful questions that deepen their understanding of their relationship issues. Some have mentioned that I am able to communicate things to their partner in a way that they have struggled to do themselves. Overall, they express excitement about continuing their journey with me.

Other clients have mentioned their happiness with our sessions, describing me as caring and patient. They appreciate the supportive environment I create, especially as they navigate through years of challenges. Despite knowing there's still much work to be done, they look forward to our sessions as a positive step towards growth and healing

 To book your first appointment with Bry, please contact our intake coordinator at 720-370-3010 as our therapists are in sessions during the day and often cannot get back to you in a timely manner.  


Office:  720-797-6957 

Rate: Individual:  $130/50 minute session; Couples/Family:  $145/50 minute session