Why Consider Premarital Counseling with a Faith-Based Counselor

“’Til death do us part.” It’s a nice thought until you start to realize how unprepared you actually are for marriage. It started with different expectations about the honeymoon, then it was about who’s in charge of the finances and now you cannot agree on who’s family you’re going to spend the holidays with. Fortunately, you can set yourselves up for success before you get to this point.

Premarital counseling is a form of counseling offered by marriage and family therapists to help couples who are planning to marry. Premarital counseling is a great way for couples to identify and resolve any potential areas of conflict before tying the knot.

Sometimes individuals may want to work with a marriage and family therapist who shares their same faith. Since faith is such an integral part of people’s lives and relationships, it makes sense that couples would want to work with someone who shares and respects their religious and spiritual beliefs.

Here are some specific benefits of participating in premarital counseling with a faith-based counselor:

True Communion

Every faith has its unique perspective on marriage and commitment. Marriage is not just about spending time with someone you like and find attractive, it’s about joining together through a covenant commitment- to each other and God- to build a life together. A faith-based counselor understand this is more than just a regular-old commitment and will help you pinpoint the reason you two are committing to one another in this sacred way.

Raising Children in the Faith

If you don’t know exactly what you both believe and where your values lie, how will you successfully raise children? To raise happy and healthy children, parents must be in agreement and alignment with one another including how they interpret parenting through their faith. Discussing beliefs and creating expectations together will help limit the frustrations once you enter into your chapter of parenthood.

Better Communication

Numerous surveys by counselors have uncovered a simple truth: communication problems are the number one factor leading to divorce. Premarital counseling can help couples identify what each other says and how they say it. This helps improve not only communication, but also conflict-resolution. However, faith-based counseling takes it one step further. Through integrating scripture couples are able to gain an understanding of why and how to better serve, communicate and handle conflict through their faith lens.

If you’re interested in exploring faith-based premarital counseling, our therapists would love to get connected with you at our Castle Rock, CO-based counseling center!